The Pros and Cons of Full-Time Travel

I would like to thank Marky for publishing this article. His blog is a great place for all things travel: from tips to his own personal adventures. After reading this article, I highly recommend you check out his emotive post on sleeping in the desert in India!

Long-term travel is a highly sought after pursuit by many. Anyone who’s had a taste of the travel bug has surely dreamed of leaving everything being and jetting off to explore the world indefinitely. There are many good reasons why this a worthwhile and fulfilling dream, but that doesn’t mean it’s completely free of hardships.

The many pros and many cons that accompany this kind of lifestyle are always good to consider, as it’s important to get both sides of the story before you make a big life decision. Here are just a few points to help you get a better idea of what full-time traveling entails.


There are many reasons why people chose to pack up, quit their jobs and go and explore the world. The benefits it brings to your life are numerable and will always out weight the negatives. Here are a few of the best reasons to become a full-time traveler.

1. The Best Geography, History & Culture Lesson You Will Ever Have

There’s no better way to learn the geography of a country that to have to navigate your way from north to south on a mixture of complex and unreliable public transport systems. It’s impossible to imagine the lives of ancient cultures until you’ve stood in the midst of the remains of their civilizations. And by far the greatest insight into any culture or way of life is to immerse yourself within it for long period of time.

Travel teaches you more about the world we live in than any textbook every could, so getting out there and seeing as much of it as you is by far the greatest education you can give yourself. Alongside the academic knowledge you gain, it also gives you endless practical training, street smarts and world wisdom that those at home could never match no matter how hard they try!

2. Living Abroad is Usually Cheaper

Alongside the experience, there are some practical benefits of long-term travel. One of these is cost. The general consensus is that traveling is a very financially draining experience, and while, in some cases, this can be true, once you’ve been traveling for a while, you find that it’s easy to cut the costs, and living abroad can actually work out a lot cheaper.

Once you’ve moved away from tourist-centered areas, you can find accommodation for as little as $5 a night in some countries and the cost of living is a lot cheaper once you’re cooking your own food rather than eating in restaurants all the time. Plus, for those who are willing to give up the comforts of flying for cheaper, albeit more time consuming, option of coach travel, you’ll be saving large amounts in no time!

3. You Are As Near As You Can Be To Being Free

Freedom is a term that’s difficult to define. Most of the western world believes themselves to be free, others say that freedom is a state of mind which you can achieve in any circumstance. But the one thing long-term travel teaches you is that feeling of freedom comes in unstoppable waves when you’re able to pack your life up, hop on a plane and head to wherever you feel like without any further questions.

Short-term travel plans are always caged inside holiday restrictions from work and financial constraints, but when you’re always on-the-go, there’s nothing to stop you or hold you back. It’s this taste of freedom that gives most travelers the traveling bug, and it defines the wanderlust that so many of us feel within our hearts. 


Being a full-time traveler is seen as an exciting and luxurious way to live you life and even though, in part, this is true, it still requires a large amount of hard work, dedication and stress. Here are a few of the less-appealing elements of long-term travel that may not always be considered. 

1. You Miss Your Home Comforts

Although long-term travel brings uncountable exciting experiences, there are some days when you want nothing more than to curl up in your pajamas with your duvet and a favorite film. Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible, particularly if you’re staying in hostels or other cheap accommodation. Although you can go somewhere to overcome this with a pair of earphones, a blanket and a quick Netflix session on your phone, tablet or laptop, it’s never gong to be same as the real deal.

Plus, if you haven’t installed a Virtual Private Network (VPN) on your device, then it’s very possible that you’ll be unable to access some of your favorite movies and shows because lots of Netflix content is blocked when you’re overseas. And, unfortunately, this isn’t the only home comfort you’ll be without; each traveler has their own list of the things from home they wish they could bring along with them.

2. You Miss Friends & Family

Alongside the physical elements of home, the other thing you miss when you’re traveling long-term is the people. Sometimes it can be difficult to not have all of your loved ones in the same place, particularly when you have to overcome some of the adversities that long-term travel undoubtedly throws at you.

Similarly, you can regularly find yourself wishing you could share the amazing moments and experiences that you are having with those close to you back home. Although it’s possible to connect with those you miss through Skype or other social networks, this can be made complicated with time differences and busy schedules. This is why many long-term travelers keep blogs to keep their friends and families updated on their whereabouts and how they’re doing.

3. Nothing is Certain

Although traveling full time is most definitely a dream come true, at times it’s not as glamorous as it is perceived from the outside. Being constantly on-the-go means you have to find ways to financially support yourself. Whether it’s working online or finding a new job in every new place to go to, the financial uncertainty that this causes is stressful even for the most resilient traveler.

Alongside this, it’s never possible to plan that far into the future, and even when you do, it’s very likely that your plans will end up being forced to change. Although this spontaneity is the reason why many are drawn to this lifestyle, if you’re the sort of person who needs a concrete plan, then it might not be the right way of life for you to pursue.

These are just a few things to think about when considering full-time travel; however, there’s many more that can be added to the list. If you have any more point that you think are worth noting, then be sure to comment below.  

About the Guest Author:
Jess Signet is a blogger at Tripelio who writes about technology, traveling and technology needed when traveling. Having visited places all over the globe, traveling is both her love and addiction. She does not want to be cured.