Where to Eat in Kaohsiung, Taiwan | 1300 Only Porcelain

A line from a Moby song: “As I wake its kaleidoscopic mind”, hummed inside my head as we enter arguably the most unique fine dining restaurant in Dashu District, Kaohsiung. Porcelain filled ceilings, chandeliers, tables, walls, bowls, cups and statues—adorn the interiors. Doubling as a museum displaying porcelain figurines costing from 10,000 NT to as high as 4,500,000 NT, 1300 Only Porcelain also lavish their guests with mouth-watering fusion cuisines.

Catchy Ceramics artworks seen by the entrance of 1300 Only Porcelain
It was first opened in 2010 by owner Henry Shen who picked up the expensive hobby of porcelain-making after studying the art of ceramics from esteemed experts all over the world. He now devotes his time as an art director and sculpting figures in porcelain.  

Using a 3D technique, that allows them to view every piece from all angles, Shen's team has created a revolutionary way of casting porcelain into intricate figures and designs.

Thanos is that you?
We entered the property through its spacious garden, where the lush landscape design blended beautifully with the outer walls covered with artsy porcelain and ceramic pieces producing a myriad of jig-saw images.

Likewise, the interior explodes with more porcelain materials as pieces hang from the ceiling. We were then ushered into the dining area where a stunning golden tree complete with porcelain leaves summoned a chorus of "Wow" from our small group.

Of course, the tables are set with porcelain dinnerware and tiny figurines. As we sat down and engaged each with brief conversations, our eyes seem to wander to the different sculptured pieces around us.

When our orders arrived, it came as no surprise to find our food served over—drumroll—porcelain wares such as our salad which came in a peacock-shaped plate.

The gallery showcases pieces owned by the club members of 1300 Porcelain Only, which can be sold to art connoisseurs with money to spare because each item doesn't come at a cheap.

The pretty Emily Rose Rosales of Eva Air looked happy with her food
Various themed collection includes Oriental and Western themes. For example there's a section displaying Classic Oriental Collection. It includes pieces called the Ruyi Tiger, Raising Horse, Dragon Emperor and Beasts of Wealth—each imitating with great details: the tiger, horse, dragon and mythical beasts.

This is priced at 1,600,000 NT (Taiwanese New Dollar)
Other figures depicts the romanticism period from royal ladies and embracing couples to a slew of more nature characters such as small birds, lions, monkeys and other animals.

This one is ONLY 460,000 NT
Visiting 1300 Porcelain Only not only provided us with a sumptuous lunch, it also gave us an opportunity to marvel and appreciate the art of porcelain casting and sculpture—as represented through their wonderful creations that also symbolizes Chinese folklore.